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5 Future Camera Technologies That Will Change How We Take Photos

Technology keeps evolving. It’s extremely common to find new features in gadgets every day. The mobile market is not only having advanced, there are great improvements in latest digital cameras as well.

Digital cameras are getting equipped with better resolution, color, zooming and low light options. What’s most interesting here is that the features that are going to define the futuristic camera technologies are going to be game-changing.

Would you like to find out some of the advanced features you can expect in upcoming digital cameras? Here are 5 future camera technologies that will change how we take photos:

Taking Pictures and Videos in Dark

It is possible to shoot pictures and videos in dark even now but it requires a special type of camera to do so. In future, you will have cameras that will have brilliant performance in dark. Canon is going to launch a 35mm camera with an ISO of 4M. This would basically mean the device will be performing in dark without any need of extra editing or post-processing. This is amazing! Why? Well, when you view the sky you see so many colors other than black and blue. You will be able to capture great pictures around the time of dusk and dawn with so much of camera clarity.

With such lens and ISO level, the cameras will cost more than $30,000 but as we all know technology keeps getting advanced. Maybe in some years these features will be added in affordable cameras as well.

No More Shutter Buttons

Can you imagine shooting pictures with just voice instructions or simply with blinking eyes? Yes, you will be introduced by some cool cameras in future with sensors like these. You won’t require a shutter button to capture images anymore.

There will be eye tracking and biometric detecting technology features in future cameras that will enable you to take pictures with simple eye movement. You will be even able to zoom in and zoom out with the addition of such sensor in cameras.

With this amazing addition, you will be able to just set the camera on a tripod and shoot images without even touching it.

Auto Photo Tagging Option 

When you capture pictures, you upload them to your social networking accounts through your smartphone or laptop; there will be options to tag pictures in future cameras. There is this new software which is currently under development called as scene detect. Qualcomm is producing this software for cameras to provide the Meta tags for the pictures when they are clicked. That will make it easy to upload a picture on social networking accounts without tagging them individually. This way you won’t be putting any extra effort in multiple descriptions for photos while uploading them. This is even perfect for organizing your personal photo albums.

 Light-Field Cameras

When you snap images you focus the subject and sometimes the surroundings. In simple words, your attention is always towards the focus settings. Lytro has already developed cameras with great light field technology which provides amazing option to select focus after taking a picture. These cameras have best quality zooming, lens, and sensors.


Scentography is something so exciting! Cameras in future are expected to catch scents in the pictures. Scents have a direct link to emotional memories. Isn’t it wonderful that we will be able to remind ourselves the aromas of yummy food and chocolate treats through pictures? This kind of camera Madeleine is currently being developed in a science laboratory by Amy Radcliffe from University of the Arts, London.

Sharing and capturing pictures of your dinner and vacations is going to be a lot different with this amazing camera technology in future.

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