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How Can We Handle Stress In More Healthy Ways

Stressful experiences are part of life. Stress is closely related to the ‘fight or flight’ response in our bodies that has an important purpose. It enables us to respond to threats quickly in order to avoid danger. Once the danger has passed or been dealt with the body’s systems like blood pressure and breathing gradually return to normal. In modern-day society we encounter many stressful situations that trigger our flight or fight response, however, when stress becomes unmanageable it may lead to physical health problems or mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Extensive research has found that increased stress levels can interfere with our ability to overcome physical illness. While there is no way to entirely avoid stress, see here some healthy ways to deal with it that will increase our potential to recover faster.

  1. Improve your Diet to Optimize Health

Some people believe that drinking alcohol or coffee will help to relieve stress while others overeat when stressed. Even though it may seem that these actions help to relax you at the moment, alcohol can actually cause more stress in the long run. Too much caffeine can also compound the effects of stress on the body. Having a healthy, balanced diet will help you deal with stress in a much healthier way.

  1. Regular Exercise

In addition to the physical benefits of regular exercise, physical movement has been shown to be a powerful stress reliever. Some examples include non-competitive aerobic exercise, working out with weights for strength and to help your muscles work more efficiently, and relaxing movement activities like Tai Chi and Yoga. Aerobic exercises help to release endorphins that have been proven to help you maintain a positive attitude and feel better. Set achievable goals for yourself and you will soon feel better.

  1. Cut out the use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products

People who use these products often refer to them as stress relievers. However, the opposite is true as nicotine has been found to actually produce more stress in the body by reducing blood flow and breathing and by increasing physical arousal.

  1. Study and Practice Relaxation Techniques

Taking time every day to practice relaxation techniques will go a long way to help manage stress and the effects it has on your body. There is a multitude of different relaxation techniques to choose from such as mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, imagery, etc. Many of these techniques can be accessed online or on smartphone apps that include step-by-step guidance on how to relax and destress. Many are available free of charge while some may require a purchase cost.

  1. Reduce Stress Triggers

No one can really escape stress as life is filled with demands and not enough time that few people can deal with effectively. We are often guilty of placing too many demands on ourselves and this is where it is important to practice time management skills, setting priorities, pacing yourself, reserving quality time for yourself, and asking for help when things become too much.

  1. Examine Your Values and Live by Them

No matter how stressful your life is if your actions reflect your values and beliefs you will automatically feel more in control. Examine your values and make them a priority when choosing your relaxation activities.

  1. Assert Yourself

When demands are placed on your time and energy that create too much stress it is important to say ‘no’.  Remember that you don’t have to feel obliged to always meet the expectations of others.

  1. Set Realistic Goals and Expectations

It is healthy to realize that you cannot be one hundred percent successful at everything all of the time. Set realistic goals for yourself and the things you feel able to control and work towards accepting the things you cannot control.


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