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Repentance Begins By Carrying The Cross

Repentance Begins By Carrying The Cross

Repentance Begins By Carrying The Cross

How often have we grieved God by our long continual in sin? How often have we grieved one another, by our selfishness and self-centeredness? It is an offence when we act against our morals and commit crimes of hatred, immorality and terrorism against people we intend to offend. If we had a grudge against someone, why not try to do a self-check in all Ernest–to root out the cause? It takes two hands to clap, right? So, the theory that “I am right and you are wrong” does not always apply.

Repentance Begins By Carrying The Cross, but not many will realize this. We cannot repent if we had no contrition nor remorse, for our misdeeds and offenses. Contrition is not mere words of saying “I am sorry.” Rather, it is more of actions! Words must be accompanied by feelings of remorse and admission of guilt. In addition, we repent by making amends to compensate for an injury or insults and even loss of life or property. Lord Jesus carried the cross for us in atonement for our sins although He was sinless and there was no perjury in Him. Hence, why can we not carry our own cross in the atonement? It is vital to know and understand, that the cross we take up is unique to our journey in life.

By virtue of the cross we carry, we come across the heavy burden of discomfort and sufferings, whether physical or emotional–due to health, misfortune, and loss of loved ones, either by death or separation. We look up to Christ Jesus, in the face of adversity when we have to carry our cross. Did Jesus curse or swear, when carrying the cross on the way to Calvary, with all the scourging, kicks and blows, insults, humiliation, and torments? No! Not even when He fell three times on His knees and was brutally forced to rise when He could hardly walk but staggered on… still carrying the cross! Likewise, when we encounter hardship, failures, disappointments, and misfortune on our journey to repentance, let us take courage in Jesus and not give up easily… taking the easy way out.

Why do we carry the cross? For reasons known or unknown to us, we take into consideration–the benefits of the cross.

To those who fear the cross and are unwilling to carry it, they will encounter retribution if not in this world, then in the next. The Universe has its own laws and compliance with standards by which we abide. Failure to comply will result in disharmony, disunity, conflicts, and punishment.

It is not too late to say Sorry and in all sincerity, mean it. It is even better to Repent and carry the Cross, along the way. To those of you carrying the cross for Repentance, may salutation and respect be accorded to you!

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