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Webhosting Coupons: Making or Breaking a Hosting Business?

webhosting coupons

Research shows that customers love discounts, sales or anything that lowers the price on the product. Web providers have found ways to bring people on board, and one good example is the use of coupons. You won’t be surprised to learn that trends such as these influence a customer’s purchasing mood.

Coupons not only allow people to save money but also affect their buying behavior. It is important as a web provider to understand how to tap into the coupon mentality to your advantage. When you finally acquire that knowledge, you put yourself in a unique position to gallop to the head of the pack.

Here is how to maximize on coupons

1. Turn on the charm offensive with words like “free” and “unlimited”

These two words have the ability to get customers clicking on your site and even buying from you. For instance, offering free web hosting service for a month, or free domain name registration for the duration of hosting is a clever way to set yourself apart from your contenders. These offers could be used to increase new sign ups or ongoing recurring revenue.

2. Using expensive web hosting packages on sale as bait

Many people put a value on expensive goods and services. An expensive product on sale is perceived as capable of more ROI than others. While riding on this idea, a customer will find it beneficial to purchase, i.e. Managed WordPress hosting services, at a discount because many of them may not be familiar with how to manage servers.

3. Ride on their fear

Fear is a concept that brings unease to many people. A business person may have a fear of potentially running their business into the ground. This kind of fear is justifiable as businesses are always facing some risk. Encourage your customers to protect their online businesses by telling them to purchase backup plans ‘before it is too late.’

4. Place product offers at checkout

A smart trick to get the customer to purchase an item is by placing offers at checkout. Many offline retailers do this, so why not you? Take extra consideration on the layout of your site since you are selling the web hosting on an online shop. The coupons could be something like ‘get 30% off SSL certificates’, or ‘purchase an extra two years hosting and get the 3rd year free of charge’. The aim here is to get the customer to purchase a product randomly. It’s vital to ensure that the offer does not interfere with the customer’s ability to easily purchase an item.

The above tips may seem a bit aggressive, that’s a given. However, your aim should be to provide the best service possible. The customer should be your number one priority, and they should always get value for their money. Make it even better for everyone by letting them know that once in a while, you can throw them a bone as a way of giving back.

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