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Where To Place AdSense Ads For Earning The Highest Revenue?

I have seen Google AdSense ads placed at various spots on several sites, including spots that are known to have ad-blindness. In the case of WordPress sites, and other sites that use ready-to-use themes and templates, I find some typical patterns followed by publishers for placing ads.

Whether webmasters knowingly do so or not, I have strong reasons to believe that these ads are not placed as per the choice of the respective site owners, but they are placed according to the design of the themes or templates that finally give the look and feel of the sites.

It otherwise means that the ads are not strategically placed so that the site owners are able to generate the maximum Click-Through Rates (CTR) and ad revenue. In fact, some personalized tips from the AdSense team advise the publishers that they lose as much as 60% (or more) of their ad revenue because of ads that are placed at spots that do not give good conversion rates for ads.

Earn More Money By Placing AdSense Ads Closer To Your Unique Content

The most preferred locations for AdSense ads are spots indicated in the Google AdSense heat map. But that need not be the ultimate guide for optimized ad placing in view of the fact that the actual structure of site templates varies vastly and the ad units placed nearest to the content get the most content-specific ads served and in most cases, they attract the best ad rates per click.

However, the pattern followed by some AdSense publishers shows that their decisions on where ads are to be placed are dictated by the designers and developers of their themes and plugins. This observation is typically true of WordPress sites as well as publishers using Blogger/ BlogSpot platforms both of which I have been using.

The reasons why some publishers follow these wrongly conceived ad placement ideas are as follows:

Well, I am quite aware that several of my readers are well-versed with AdSense optimization, theme designing, content writing, and similar aspects and how these together can work wonders just like a well-oiled machine to generate the highest revenue out of their sites.

So, in a sense, this small how-to tutorial is written to help beginners who are new to blogging, AdSense, WordPress, theme designs, etc., and also experts who might have overlooked these aspects. So, here below are a few handy tips that can help those who are new to AdSense as well as blogging.

The Best Spots For Placing AdSense Ads

It is expected that those who follow the above steps can earn over 60% more than their current AdSense incomes, as various notifications, blog posts and Google AdSense guidelines show, and as revealed by top AdSense money makers.

However, what you find above is NOT a complete solution, and you can find many more other options to improve your AdSense revenue. The final answer to how to earn the maximum from AdSense depends on your unique content, spots where you place the ads, the structure of your themes, and several other factors.

In view of the above observations (which at any cost is not a sure formula to earn more from ads), it is for you to experiment with placing ads at various spots and observe how each ad unit returns revenue and to decide on which option pays you well. Keep on observing and experimenting; that is the name of the game to earn more!

And here are two most important practices that you may avoid:

Come back soon for more useful info on AdSense

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