
10 Tips to Make Your Blogs Visually Exciting

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Are you a blogger? Do people visit your blog only to leave after a few seconds? Are you getting little to no likes or revisits? Over the years, media consumption has changed. Therefore, to drive traffic to posts, you must add visually appealing content other than using top-tier information you add visually appealing content. On the internet, a world of endless blogs, how do you make your content stand out? By clicking this link to use a great collage maker online, of course.

Use a Great Collage Maker Online

Combining all aspects of media into your blogs has been made easier through collage maker software.   Use this to combine your texts with multiple images, edit your fonts on them and even pick an attractive background and frame, That will appeal to your audience.

Use Images to Illustrate Your Message

Images are crucial to the feat of a post. Why? Research shows that the human eye is more attracted to an image than text and the brain remembers a higher percentage of knowledge gained through image as compared to sound or text. You can attest to this too. Long blocks of texts are also exhausting to the attention span.

With a collage maker online, you can creatively come up with images relevant to your blog. The software enables you to edit your images helping your content to be more engaging, memorable, and shareable on all social media. Why not include at least one featured image at the top of your blog post?

Use Videos

Videos are very important tools in content marketing. They spark interest immediately and help readers to retain content much longer. People have a higher tendency to click on a video that captures their attention in the first at least three seconds. Videos make your blog visually alluring, especially with a bold text overlay that shows the reader exactly what they are looking for.

Be creative about the type of content your audience likes to consume.


Most readers decide whether or not they will read your article at a glance. A long blog can be overwhelming to read, making some readers regress from reading your article. Using headers is one way to make work easier for your readers. Adding titles for different sections is an inordinate way to simplify complex blog by showing the reader where to go for information of interest

Use headers to lead your readers through your article, making it reader-friendly. You can use collage maker online to edit the headers into attractive ones. However, do not overdo it.

Make Your Content Comfortably Legible

Use size and type of font that is attractive but also readable without strain. Choose a background color that blends well with your color text. Start every sentence with a cap and use different styles of font to create emphasis on important points.

Break Up Sentences to Make Short Paragraphs

With how overwhelming a long article can be for your readers; short paragraphs make your content more digestible and easier to read. Instead of paragraphs with five or more sentences try using at least two per paragraph. This reduces work for the reader and forces you to ensure clarity and conciseness in your writing.

Add Data-Driven Visuals

People love content that is easy to understand from a glance. Face it, just looking for the research information and landing on your blog alone to find exactly what they are looking for is tiresome enough. Reading text only for research on statistics or the population of an area for instance can be hard to visualize and comprehend.

 Displayed on charts or graphs, data-driven usually makes it easier for your audience to understand your content than with text only. Research shows that articles with graphs and charts tend to receive more trackbacks as compared to those with other images. More noteworthy, people love sharing new data and well-researched information that is visually appealing

Incorporate Quote Visuals

Have you ever heard of influencer marketing? Creating an image with an influencer and his or her quote is a great content marketing strategy. This makes it more powerful, unforgettable, and easier to share. Creating quote visuals from living influencers in your industry also increases the chances of the influencer responding by engaging and sharing your content.

Simply add the quotes on images of the influencers and edit them into attractive images using a collage maker online which provides all the necessary tools to blend in the image and the quote beautifully.


Showing your audience that you are a professional that understands internet trends by adding gifs to your blog passages best helps convey or trigger a motion from your reader whether frustration, sadness, or happiness making the brand feel pushed by humans and not robots. Gif is one of the best ways to maintain the attention of your audience and make your blog look twice as much interesting

Add Memes

Add a little sense of humor to your content, making it more interesting. This helps connect with your audience especially on matters they can relate to. Articles are best when both fun and informative depending on the context as well.

Final Thoughts On Using a Collage Maker Online To Boost Your Blog’s Visuals

To thrive as a blogger, you need to constantly post content that stands out. Aim to entertain while informing your audience. Consequently, do not use too much visual content it will lose its essence, only incorporate pertinent content. Lastly, choose the best collage maker online for your visuals. 

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