Write for us

Do you want to try your hand at getting an article up means “write for us“on TechWhich.com? Have a flair for writing tech and smartphone articles and want to have them read by readers who share the same passion and interests? We can help.

TechWhich.com is accepting submissions for tutorials (Teach me, Master), inspirational posts (cool stuff that make you go whoa), showcases (must.ooze.awesomeness), and good articles related to smartphones, jailbreak, mobile apps, mobile games, industry gossips, smartphone reviews, tech and how-to guides in general.

Anything out of the list is still fine as long as it jives with the site and is subject to approval from the editors, of course.

Why Publish on TechWhich.com?

With DA 67, PA 40, DR 60, UR 37, and ahref traffic – 200,000+ Quality is ensured for the Website. You can cross-check and verify with Moz or Ahref.

How To Get Published

The problem with the submissions we get is that we have to reject them for one reason or another. For one, we have to reject submissions that do not adhere to our publishing policy. We also do not really like content that is lifted from other sites or not written from scratch. So far, we can only accept English articles (until we can get a translator on board).

Apart from that, here are a few guidelines to help improve the odds of getting published, based on the submission being articles, tutorials or tips, and showcases.

1. Articles/Reviews

If you are aiming to submit an article, discussion, or something that features more text than images:

Please have an intro, a body, and a conclusion.

Subtitle your main point – then elaborate.

Ensure that it is not less than 600 words. (Seriously, do not make us reject a piece over this.)

2. Tutorials/Tips/Guides/How-To

We love their tutorials, although to make them reader-friendly, follow these few guidelines:

Make them straight to the point and under 100 steps.

Include the demo link and/or download link where relevant.

Credit your image sources or link back to the original site which you got the images from.

3. Showcases

A picture says a thousand words, so if you want to feature a showcase of awesome images or illustrations:

Submit images in a separate zipped file and properly named e.g. “file-sharing-tools-minus”.

All images must be in the highest possible resolution. If they look awesome, that is a plus.

Credit your image sources and link back to the page the image was taken from.

If it is a showcase featuring apps, etc, do include the download link.

We Would Love It If You Could…

Give your submission more leverage by

Linking back to previously published TechWhich.com articles.

Standardizing the width of images at 300px, 650px or 656px only.


Please submit your post with an Awesome SEO description of 155 characters long. It’s mandatory.

Are you all done?

Is your submission ready? Then simply register your account here and start submitting your content. You can then start posting articles on this site without any interruption. This will build us a strong relationship rather than just sending us guest posts. Thanks

For one-time Post Submission, you can submit your article directly here without registration. or you can email us at [email protected] for submission

Best of luck and happy writing!

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