
WP Engine – The best wordpress host for you!

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WP Engine, powering wordpress websites

Websites powered by wordpress are the most common web applications you see today on the internet.Web-service providers which ensure the reliability as well as the stability of your website are the fundamental need which guarantee the healthy functioning of your wordpress website. One such web hosting service is the WP engine.

WP Engine which serves as the backbone for many wordpress websites is probably the most powerful web-service hosting engine out there. In this blog, take a look at the numerous benefits served by the WP Engine and outline the necessary arguments which in turn reason as to why it’s the best service out there powering all the wordpress websites.

It just makes things easy!

WP Engine

WP Engine offers  managed WordPress hosting to you. As the name suggests, a managed wordpress hosting implies the top-notch level of management which the WP Engine offers to you.

This management being referred to is carried out in different domains specifically :

  • If you intend to install WordPress but you are finding it tedious as most of you do, WP Engine does it for you!
  • Also, in addition to installing the wordpress, the WP Engine also manages all the tasks related to updating the same. All the updates to WordPress are managed by the WP Engine itself.

    Assisting with installing and updating
  • With an efficiently optimized caching system, the WP Engine ensures that your website literally runs fast!  Moreover, you get the option to make backups and that to daily. These backups ensure reliability of your data in the most functional manner.

About the pricing?

Pricing plans at WP Engine

When it comes to the pricing, WP Engine isn’t something a small timer should be looking for. Being inclined towards supporting big-time websites or ventures which are really huge, WP  Engine has developed a reputation for being the backbone for hefty and powerful online ventures. The price tags associated with the WP Engine are quite high though but we promise you that they are every penny worth.

For a single month, the prices stand at 29$ which is definitely quite high.


WP Engine allowing you to stage sites

In addition, WP Engine supplements your web hosting experience with allowing you to host staging sites which come as a premium feature. Staging sites are basically copies of your main sites. Staging sites allow you to conduct testing before making all your functionalities live. Thus, by allowing you to test, you get to know the bugs and then you can debug them accordingly and ensure a smooth functioning of your site.

Worried about the Interface?

A commendable UI

Now, jumping over to the interface, the admin interface seems pretty clear in its entirety. All the functionalities are listed down in a clear manner and hardly do they misguide the user. The design also seems pretty simplistic as well as impressive at the same time. It’s a sort of those ‘minimum effort, maximum efficiency’ things. The UI greatly enhances the usability and the overall perception of the user of the website.

A multi-functional customer care!

In addition, you get a 2 months money-back guarantee as you sign up for WP Engine. A rigid customer care supports adds to their flexibility.

WP Engine is a fast web hosting service, thanks to its custom built caching system!


Thus, in totality one can conclude that WP Engine is probably the best web hosting providers out there in current times. When it come to choosing a web hosting service and provided that you have a large enterprise or a venture to put online, you need not think much or doubt the credibility of WP Engine.   

Also check out our review for : Siteground Web hosting

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