
Don’t Miss These 5 key Features If You Are looking For Successful App For Your Startup

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Technology has transformed the world in last decade and changed the meaning of human-machine interaction. The big screen has been shifted to the small size devices and in recent years all the work and activities are operational on smartphones. All these  evolution is done by mobile applications.

Now every Entrepreneur is aware of the potential of mobile applications for business growth. Every day thousands of mobile applications are launched, some finds their way to the users and others get lost in the crowd. There are more than 2.2 million applications in Google Play store. To stand out the crowd you need to have some basic yet unique attributes in your app that users actually look for.

No matter for which business you are going to develop the app these are 5 inevitable features you should consider.


  1. Simplicity is the Key


You may find this not much important but trust me it’s the most prominent point to work upon. The convenience is the best way to reach the customer in depth. The simpler the app to handle the more star it will get you on Appstore Rating. This may sound easy in listening but the developers are aware how much difficult it is to make the app simpler. Making a simple user interface embedded with all the desired functionality requires immense of hard work and detailed development knowledge.

According to a survey, users prefer more easy to go app instead of app filled with complex steps and functions. Just aim for the services you wanna offer and make sure user easily get what they want in your app without much effort.

  1. Choosing the Right Platform Wisely

Today’s market is largely owned by two major platforms, Android and iOS. When you go for an application development you need to select which platform you want to deliver your app. You can select both OS but in order to choose consider some factors like targeted audience, app reach, service goal.

You need to test the app thoroughly on each platform before launching in order to avoid any bug.

  1. Offline Functionality

Offline functionality enables your app to give user liberty to use some features or interact with the app even when there is no internet connection . This app development feature is a viral trend nowadays; almost every company is upgrading its app with this functionality. Recently Instagram and dropbox paper added the offline working mode to their app to enhance the user experience.

This app attribute is key to tempt the user to interact with  the app even more and maximize the engagement.

  1. Feedbacks with immediate response and action

Users like to give feedbacks, both appreciation as well improvement suggestions. Be open to the feedback system allow users to give feedbacks, ratings and provide direct contact means.Giving quick response to the users helps in building a better impression on the users and establish trust . These steps will results in gaining users loyalty ; users will still stay with the app even if have some issues and wait for it to get resolved.


The direct communication with the user will let you know what they exactly want and this is  the best way to improvise your app.

  1. Security Aspects

It is the primary concern for the user when they install and start using the app. You should have a clear word with the developer and ensure that there is no leakage of user’s personal details. Compromising with users privacy had cost much to the coffee chain giant Starbucks in past and recently some apps like uber been questioned in terms of user privacy.

You should also give explicit information to the user how you are managing their details.


These above five points are very vital in mobile app development to ensure the birth of a successful app. In this digital world, technology is growing at rapid speed and users are relying on the applications more than ever. With this market, competition is raising day by day and the margin of error is getting too small. You should ensure that your app didn’t miss out on these five features.

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