
How Smartphones And Other Technological Developments Enable Patients To Get Better Care

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There are numerous ways that tech developments are helping patients receive even better care. It’s a revolution that’s altering things massively and here is how it’s happening.

Understanding The Role Of Technology In Patient Centered Healthcare

Smartphones have become an integral part of everyday life. Businesses in nearly every field have begun finding ways to use these devices to provide better service to their customers. The field of healthcare is no exception.

People who work in the healthcare industry are constantly finding new ways to use smartphones to improve the quality of care that they can provide. Today, phones are being used for many different purposes such as keeping track of patient records and monitoring vital information about ongoing treatments for diseases.

Customized apps that are developed for specific doctors or healthcare facilities have taken the use of technology in the healthcare field a step further. By enabling patients to actively get involved in their care, these apps are changing the way that patients stay informed and get the care that they need. Here are just a few of the ways that these devices are currently being used in the healthcare field:

Tracking Records Electronically

Shifting to electronic record-keeping has changed the way that information is shared between doctors and their patients. For instance, when a patient makes an appointment, they can keep track of the date and time on their smartphone, making it less likely that they will forget to show up. This can be beneficial both for the patient and for the healthcare facility. See some more of the ways that records can be kept in this piece by ICON.

Managing Chronic Diseases

Treating chronic conditions requires ongoing care and a long-term treatment plan. It often also involves multiple doctors and medical service providers. Being able to keep track of everything in one place can make it easy to monitor the treatment plan and to make sure that everyone involved in caring for the patient is on the same page.

Apps have been developed that allow patients to monitor their treatment plans through their smartphones. In many cases, these apps will allow them to access their health care records and to connect with their doctor’s office to get answers to questions or to schedule appointments.

Medical Reference

Oftentimes, patients have questions about symptoms that they are experiencing, drug interactions, or other types of medical information. There are apps being developed that are designed to provide patients with access to accurate medical information so that they can find the answers that they need anytime they want simply by looking them up on their phone.

In some cases, these apps may be able to prevent unnecessary office visits by giving the patient the accurate, well-informed answers that they need straight through their phone.

Social Media Integration

Many medical facilities and doctors are becoming active on social media, using it as a way to stay connected with their patients and to provide timely information. Social media and social media accounts provides a convenient way for patients to get the answers they need and to connect with others who may be going through similar experiences.

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