
Tips for Gaining Instagram Followers

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One of the best ways to market your business is through social media. Business cards nowadays do not just include a contact number and address. It will also include the links to their networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you have more Instagram followers, you will be viewed as a reputable company because a lot of people is following you on social networking sites. When you are lacking in followers, you can refer to this article because we will be giving tips on gaining Instagram followers. (admin, please add this picture)

1. Plan your Posts

Do you ever wonder why some of your posts have fewer likes than others? It is not because your post is not creative. The reason behind your lack of likes might be because you are posting at hours where people are either sleeping or working. You have to think about the best time to make an Instagram post.

When do people usually scroll through their IG feed? Most people are on their phones when they are commuting to work or school and when they are off to bed. This is why it is important to create a post when people are viewing their IG. The best time to post would be before work, during lunch, after work, and before bedtime. You must be able to post consistently during those times so that your followers can have a higher recall of your name.

2. Use your #Hashtags Wisely

You should not just use any hashtag that you can think of. Some common hashtags can attract followers, but you will lose these followers in a matter of weeks or months. If you use relevant hashtags, you can encourage people to look at your page since they are likely to look at similar photos. When you use relevant hashtags, you can also gain followers who are truly interested in your business. In addition to this, you can even encourage the customers of your competition to take a look at your page.

3. Hold IG Contests

You need to make your Instagram more accessible to your follows and what can be more encouraging than holding contests where there are prizes at stake? These types of contests encourage a marketing scheme that is beneficial to both the page owner and the followers. You can ask your followers to repost your photo to be able to be join the contest. If twenty of your followers re-gram your photos to their followers, more people will become more aware of your page.

4. Instagram Automation Apps

A controversial tip that most people still follow is using a bot to gain Instagram followers. If you want a quick increase in the number of your followers, you can use Instagram Automation Apps. You do not have to spend a lot of time in gaining followers, since you have a pseudo-virtual assistant who can do it for you. This may cost you a monthly fee, but you can gain followers that are tailored to your choice of hashtags. However, you are also prone to gain followers that use a fake account. This can lead to a sudden loss of followers in a matter of days.

5. Use IG Stories and IG Live to your Advantage

Since IG stories and IG live appear on top of your Instagram feed, it gains a lot of attention. You should not just stick to your regular feed to create posts, but you must also be able to diversify since this can work to your advantage. IG stories and IG live can also carry information that will not add value to your feed. This can also reduce the chance that your page will be marked as a spammer.

6. Create an Informative Bio

First impressions last and when it comes to your Instagram account, your bio will make an impression. You must be able to provide the complete information within a limited amount of characters. It must be compelling enough to encourage people to follow your account. If you have a website, you must be able to include it here since you would not have a lot of options for clickable links in IG. You can also include your contact number and other details for an easier access.

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