
6 Tips For Healthy Summer Hair

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What can be better than pretty sundresses, beach days, and ice-cold tea? Nothing. Summer is great and just around the corner. But summer also brings some challenges to our hair. Especially in summer, styling your hair can get tricky. Summer heat can damage our hair and make our scalp very oily. And if you are a woman with thicker locks, you will face extra hair-issues throughout the summer.

But fret not! Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can style your hair and feel beautiful this summer. In this guide, we’ll be sharing some hair tips to help you look your best and adore your hair.

Here are a few tips to get the perfect summer hair

Avoid The Heat:

Summer heat itself can damage your hair follicles, so try and use as little heat as possible while styling your hair. You don’t want to create split ends or dry out the hair even further.

Get Keratin Hair Treatment:

Getting your hair bleached or colored can damage your hair, even too much sun exposure and saltwater can result in dehydrated hair. Keratin treatments can help revitalize and rehydrate hair, bringing it back to life. You can get a keratin treatment from a salon, or you can even find tons of great keratin conditioners that you can use at home.

Wash Your Hair Less:

It’s high time we stop believing that washing hair every day during the summer helps control oily scalp. Frequent washing can be harmful; it strips your scalp of its natural oils resulting in additional production of oil. One of the solutions to stop your scalp from getting oily is to wash your hairless.

Use DIY Treatments For Oily Scalp:

You can also use some tremendous DIY treatments to control oil secretion in your scalp.

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural remedies for oily hair. All you need is three tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and a cup of shampoo. Mix these ingredients well, apply it on your scalp, and massage it in for a few minutes before rinsing it. For best results, use it twice a week.

Drink More Water:

We know you are tired of everyone telling you to drink more water. But water is a miracle of nature. Not only is it essential for your body and mind, but it also does wonders for your hair. Water hydrates your hair and scalp. Make sure you are drinking 2-3 liters of water a day to get those shiny, non-greasy locks.

Keep The Hair Short:

Long hair is beautiful, but a delicate trim will serve you well in summer. You won’t have to take care of a lot of hair. Cutting your hair short will also make your head feel lighter, as too much hair can cause a person to sweat and overheat.

Who likes to go to the salon regularly? That’s right, no one. Best hair cutting shears and a haircutting tutorial are all you need to get that pretty short in the comfort of your home.

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