
Zynn Review

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Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon a recently released app Zynn that centers around short-form videos. I know what you are thinking, that it’s an ordinary app. Well, this app looks like any other app, does what other apps do, but there is a sweet lining to it, it surpasses ordinary apps in some little but very enjoyable ways. This app was released in May 2020, and already it has surpassed all its predecessors in every way; it is the most downloaded app so far in such a short time, exceeding Instagram, Zoom and even any app you can ever imagine; then again why not, you can earn cool cash through the platform.

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What is Zynn?

Zynn is a recently released short-form video platform that promises young, bold, trendy video content while blowing your mind. They have a mission to improve everyone’s happiness through entertaining, inspiriting, and connecting people around the globe. It is worthy of note that they still have more work to do if they are to stay true to this mission because the Zynn app is only operational right now in the United States and in Canada; so many individuals in other countries are already waiting expectantly to have access to this app. Some of the peculiarity of this app that makes it stand out are:

Wide Possibilities

The Zynn app comes, providing video content creators with unlimited possibilities, helping them create inspiring content that reaches their satisfaction, and helping them to entertain their viewers.

Originality in content

The wide array of video filters, cool stickers, and the likes, helps to keep your content original, yet fun and attractive to all around.

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One of the influencers onboard Zynn is sharing life-hacking tips. Follow Zynn’s Instaram, Facebook and YouTube accounts to meet your favorite creators.

Great User experience

Zynn makes it easy to discover fun stuff, and also easily create content by yourself. For all these, you can be rewarded for having fun and creating an enjoyable experience.

Although there are so many video apps out there that seem to be making waves, the Zynn app has become quite dynamic and dreamy, in that it has some traits that make it stand out among its competitors;

  • Diversity: This app brings so many people from different walks and facet of life to a particular platform, allowing them to connect and affect each other’s lives in such an attractive way.
  • Inclusion: Here, there are no limitations or restrictions to race or tribe or skin color, no restrictions to progression, no restriction on fun video content as long as it meets the policy of the community.
  • Reward Driven: This is so much better, in that you can make cool cash while having fun. You get paid for referring your friends to the platform. You get points for watching fun and attractive contents that make you smile, I guess this is what makes it different from other apps since the reward is considerably large.
  • Entertainment: Yeah, Zynn promises always to be entertaining to its users, creating fun for everyone. So with Zynn, you can watch entertaining but inspiring videos.

How It Works

In just a few weeks, Zynn has been able to top most apps in iOS and Google Play, using the cash payment as a user growth strategy to increase their reach, which has worked perfectly well. In short, there are two levels of gaining when using the app;

Level 1

This level has to do with making referrals to people that have not been introduced to the platform. An existing member can influence people around to get into the train using his or her referral link to register since he/she wants to make money as much as possible. Automatically the individual making the referral makes up to six to ten dollars for just one referral, while the individual coming in will be giving up to 20 dollars for coming into the fold.

Yeah, some of us might be wondering how possible this is? What if I just registered and never visited the app again?

Nice questions, there is a fail-safe in place; if the individual that used your referral link fail to use the app frequently and also to make and gain engagement, you lose the money.

The next thing probably in your mind right now is how do I redeem this digital money into my account? No need to be shy about it, we all want to make this cool money, right?

Anyways, getting the cash into your account is quite simple using your PayPal account, you can redeem up to 20 dollars at once, but there is something to note; you can only redeem your money once a day, so no double withdrawal. Another thing I’ve noticed is the introduction of gift cards. At times you might have to redeem your money into gift cards, so you will have to choose which brand gift card you want to use, again it can only be done once.

Level 2

Now, making referrals is definitely not the only way to make money using this app. If not, there is definitely no money based reason why you should continue using the app after making as much referral as you can. So for this level, you make money by watching excellent videos. Zynn goes out of its way to pay you for clicking on a video and watching it constantly for a few seconds. Now there is a timer that appears anytime a video is being played. The timer is there to make sure you finish watching the video. If you expect to get any cash, depending on the video, you can build your account by gaining points that will be converted to the dollar, and with little faithfulness, you can earn quite much daily.

Redeeming of the money is the same as level 2, using PayPal for cash or gift cards.

Obviously, Zynn is using this strategy as its marketing strategy in building much engagement as they possibly can. It’s obvious that the platform is going to be marketing and Advert based, creating a wide reach for their clients, and this is definitely not bad, as long as they gain more than they give out without changing the down to earth nature of the platform.

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