World of Tech

How has technology and science changed our lives

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The twentieth century has been a real revolution in many areas, but the advancement in science and technology has surpassed everything. You can talk and see people while being on opposite parts of the world. With the help of different internet and Mobile phone plans, talking to your loved ones anytime has become easier and accessible to many of the people.

Advances in health, automation, space technology, mining, media and much more have changed our lives forever. It is because of the advancement in technology and science that people don’t die of flu anymore.

Let’s see how the advancement in science has revolutionized our lives.

The antibiotics

Alexander Fleming is well known to all those interested in science. In 1928, this Scotsman discovered penicillin, an antibiotic that saved the lives of millions of people to this day. From here, began an investigation that has not stopped, producing drugs that help our body fight disease.


Electrical appliances have become more of a necessity nowadays rather than a luxury. We have gotten so used to the air conditioners, heaters, televisions, computers and mobile phones that we don’t contemplate a world without their comforts. The change brought by the Industrial Revolution led us to the future. Now we can cook without the need for a fire, or even store food for longer without risk of getting worse.

Space conquest

Stephen Hawking said that the future of humanity is in space. The space race that began between the United States and Russia was the starting gun and has never stopped since then. Man is a curious creature, and it is that curiosity that has led man to find out the immense knowledge about space. There is a vast space out there left unknown, but due to technology, questions are being resolved, and new ones are raised.

The media

We have entered the information age, and quite literally the whole world is present on the palm of your hand. Globalization perfectly defines the changes we have experienced, and everything has been thanks to communications. The distances of the world have been shortened thanks to radio, television and the internet. We can know what happens in another part of the world without having to move.

Information Access

In the information age, you have all the information about the world at your fingertips. You have to merely enter the information in the search engine to find almost anything, at the time you want and where you want. You can check real-time news and investigate past events. You can have any information in your hands.

Entertainment and Relaxation

The Internet is no longer the most preferred form of entertainment. The internet is the most consumed entertainment, and knowledge medium as the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) has stated. Everything is present on the internet. If we want to watch movies, listen to podcasts or download music, we can easily access all of it through the internet.

Communication and expression

The way we communicate and express our emotions and opinions has changed drastically since the arrival of the internet. We have chosen E-mail in the place of traditional letters. People use instant messaging more than talking on the phone and send millions of SMS daily. Twenty-four hours a day connected to your family and friends through the internet.

Since the appearance of the mobile phone, communication has changed a lot. Mobiles have features like internet messaging, SIM messaging, which is used way more than telephones.


A lot of people shop online. With every store having a website, it makes it easier to buy their products online. People can put their reviews online, which builds customer trust and satisfaction.


Technology has made logistics and delivering goods and services possible. Aircraft, ships, containers, and cars transport goods all over the world.

Remote Working

Work is no longer a physical place, but an activity that you can do at any time and place. Mobile devices and new collaboration technologies such as videoconferencing, allow work teams to interact with great ease as if they were gathered in the same room even if they are thousands of kilometers away.


Many universities have started offering their courses online, and there are many platforms that offer courses on different disciplines online. There are virtual universities that enable people to complete degrees while never attending the institute even one. The internet offers us many opportunities which weren’t present before, like:

  • Online tutorials
  • Educational diplomas and certificates online
  • Online surveys for students at a global level


It is already a reality. When you are sick at home and need to see your doctor. There are companies that will deliver your medicine to your doorstep. You have to contact your doctor and make a video call to tell them what symptoms you have, and your doctor will advise you accordingly.


Vaccines generate immunity against a disease. They strengthen our immune system and are effective in preventing serious and life-threatening diseases.  Vaccines teach our body to defend itself when a microorganism – virus or bacteria – invades it. They stimulate our immune system to produce antibodies that protect and immunize against these diseases.

The discovery of several vaccines like TB, smallpox, diphtheria, polio and many more have saved humanity from a lot of dangerous diseases.

1- Save lives: Vaccines are one of the public health measures that have saved the most lives throughout history.

2 – They help control, eliminate and even eradicate diseases: smallpox is eradicated thanks to vaccines.

3- Not only do they protect you, but they also protect your entire community: to cope with an illness, the population must be vaccinated.

4 – They have social and economic benefits: vaccines have economic benefits since their health expenditure is lower if we compare it with the cost of treating this disease.

Computers are getting better exponentially and helping us understand the different problems of the world. A computer has beat the best chess player on the planet this year and that too ten years earlier than expected.

Robots are created with human intelligence in them. Computers are replacing many people in different professions.

A report says that lawyers will decrease 90% in the future, and just the specialists who set the laws will be needed. In 2030, computers will be smarter than humans.


We are continuously developing technology and advancing digitally. Every profession is adopting technology to guarantee its place in the future because the trend of tomorrow is very different than the trend of today. If you want to compete, then you need to learn and employ techniques that will help you survive the competition.

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