
How to choose your own header images

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How to choose your own header images

A suitable header image that highlights the contents of your blog or website makes your site stand out from the rest of the crowd. It also adds to the individuality and personal identification that you and your site are recognized by your friends, family, admirers, and all visitors. 

People who are creative themselves can do this job exceptionally better than professional designers, who may sometimes burn a hole in your pocket for this simple job, though there are very good web designers who offer all that is needed for your site’s design in their package offer. Still, you may need changes, or just need to change only the header image. 

If you are a site owner who depends on professional services for everything this article is not for you. Also, if you are big enough to maintain paid staff for each and every aspect of your site and business, do not read this further. But if you are a do-it-yourself (DIY) site owner or even a newbie blogger, this article will help you, and you MUST read it. 

There are two ways you can get a suitable header image for your blog or site. The first sweat-free option is to make a search and find out suitable images for headers that are offered as public domain images, or free stock images, or whatever name they call for such images. You can find tons of such images on the internet. And the second step is to design your own header images. 

It is easier than it sounds and better for various reasons. First of all, some ready-to-use themes or site design templates that can be used without the knowledge of designing or coding will have options to upload your own header image, as a part of theme customization. Some of them will specify sizes, for example, 1024 x 125, or any other size. That means you have to upload the same size. With a bit of knowledge of resizing photos and images using Adobe Photoshop or other software, you can easily do it. 

So, if you are designing your own headers, it is the easiest because you know the size of the header image and you can do it easily from the start of the header image designing work. 

The other option is to get the entire work of WordPress installation, theme designing, SEO, etc. done through us so that you get everything at an affordable price that includes one of the best premium themes in the market, or a custom design exclusively created for your site.

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