
Print Stamp Online: Tips On How To Protect Your Printed Stamps

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Printing stamps online is an incredible way to expand your collection. However, you need to know exactly how to take good care of them. Though the stamps are quite strong, you could end up tearing or damaging them with mishandling. Remember, poor storage conditions or careless handling can significantly reduce the value of your stamps. Check out these tips and give your precious collection the protection it deserves as far as printing stamps online is concerned.

High Humidity Levels

Humidity is one of the most prevalent environmental factors that can pose serious damages to your printed stamps. And keeping your collection at home increases the risk. It’s true that temperatures often remain quite stable in most homes, but the humidity levels can vary significantly. Due to these changes, printed stamps are always prone to warping. You might also end up experiencing other problems such as mold and mildew growth.

Extreme Temperatures

Avoid exposing your printed stamps to extreme temperatures. When the temperature is too high or too low, it can be potentially harmful to your stamps. This is because the change might cause them to contract or expand, leading to accelerated deterioration. And this holds true for all kinds of stamps-printed or otherwise. So, it’s always advisable to avoid keeping your collection in the basement, garage or attic. Instead, pick an area where the temperature ranges between 65F and 72F.

Direct Sunlight

Direct exposure to sunlight is extremely dangerous. Not only can it destroy paintings, dyed materials, or upholstery, but it can potentially damage your skin as well. And stamps are no exceptions here too. Excessive sunlight can actually cause the color of your printed stamps to change. With time, you might also notice fading, cracking, as well as yellowing. So, instead of showcasing your collection in an open area, consider storing it in a dark cabinet in order to extend its life.

Water Damage

Don’t expose your stamps to water; otherwise, you’ll end up experiencing issues like fungal infections, warping, gum damage, as well as deterioration. Even accident pills can cause severe problems. So, be sure to undertake the necessary measures and avoid keeping drinks near your collection. Besides, if you’re in a flood-prone area, you might want to consider storing your stamps at least 6 feet higher than the floor to avert water damage.

You should also take the right steps to protect your stamps against pets as well as chemical exposure. Over time, aerosol sprays might end up damaging your stamps. Of course, dealing with pest is extremely important but avoid utilizing aerosol-based products.

The Bottom-Line

Starting a stamp collection is quite simple, but maintaining and safeguarding it against obvious dangers is the real task. Technology has made it possible to purchase and print stamps online. Just be sure to invest in a high-quality album and keep it secure. To prevent water damage, you might want to invest in a waterproof album. Similarly, storing your collection in a dry, dark place will also go a long way in prolonging its life.

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