
Did You Know There Are Apps That Can Lower Your Driving Insurance?

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Did you know there are actually apps that can help you keep your car insurance costs down?

There’s a lot out there and we asked insurance company for their best of the bunch and here are 6 of them:

1: Canary

This one is designed for parents with teenage children. Parents can install Canary on their children’s technology and see how often they unlock their phones when driving. It also sends notifications to parents when kids go over the speed limit posted where they are at, so parents know just how fast their kids are driving when behind the wheel.


Rather than tracking bad road habits, this app takes needed steps to help you avoid them. When installed on your smartphone, you’re going to be able to avoid texting and emailing while behind the wheel. It reads messages aloud and has options for responding to them with predetermined text, all so you can keep your eyes on the road and not on your phone.

3: Drivemode

Sometimes you need to navigate the menus and options of your mobile phone even while behind the wheel. Drivemode helps you out here. It navigates your phone for you, letting you keep your eyes up and on the road. Drivemode also has the power to consolidate music, navigation, and messaging all into a single app. So, you can see many different things that are stored within your phone even when you’re driving.

4: Drive Safe

The primary goal of this app is helping you keep your focus on the road, so it handles your incoming phone calls and texts. In fact, Drive Safe has the power to automatically respond to all incoming communications. A simple button bush activates it. So, you never actually have an excuse to forget turning this own before a trip. That simplicity alone makes accountability so much easier.

5: Flo Driving Insights

This delivers instantaneous feedback to drivers about their habits behind the wheel. The app also sports a number of advanced features. One good example is automatic trip recording, as one great thing about this app is that it might record your trips even when you didn’t turn it on. Flo Driving Insights also provides a reward system to go support your good driving habits. It rewards you points corresponding to your cornering, acceleration, and braking habits, among other individual facets of your driving behind the wheel.

6: Driving 101

This differs quite a bit from the other apps mentioned already in this list. Basically, it doesn’t turn people’s safe driving habits into a game. However, it also doesn’t restrict what capability you have when on the road. Rather, it works as a single-source news feed, providing you a daily dose of road safety tips. In truth, you can get fresh tips each day, and you’re going to learn new things. If you’re interested in improving your driving habits, then you need to consider adding this app to your smartphone.

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