
Catch your ‘buddies’ with Buddy Catcher. That and a lot more!

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Developed by ThinkTech Solutions Pvt. Ltd., this application enables you to connect with your mates regardless of where you are or what time it is. This application not just allows you to share your location with your friends, it also allows you to share a common path with your friends. For instance, if few of your friends intend to reach a common destination but unluckily, you are the only one who knows the correct path to that very destination, then you can share your knowledge of the path with the rest of your buddies! How cool it is, right?

Catch your buddies with buddy catcher!

Each one of your buddies would get a “FOLLOW ME” pop up which when clicked would assist your buddies with following the path and accordingly, reaching the destination. Another highlight of the buddy catcher application is the chatting feature it exhibits.

This feature enables the ‘buddies’ to remain connected whenever sharing the routes. Thus, one can take a hint at the significance of this application when it comes to travelling with your close friends or chatting with them. This application requires an Android version of 3.0 or above to get installed. There are some other features highlighting this widely popular buddy catcher app, namely :

  • You can send messages while you are offline too.  
  • Moreover, the GPS enabled navigation supplements your experience in the best way possible.
  • Also, you can search for locations and navigate accordingly.
  • The application also allows you to manage your DP and provides you better user management functionalities making it extra-easy to use.

On a comparative note, the Buddy Catcher app is much more functionally suitable than other media apps such as WhatsApp in the sense that –

  • Unlike whatsapp, where the scope is limited to chatting with your friends or sharing files with them, this application allows you to share routes to a common destination with your friends. This adds significantly to the functional scope of the Buddy Catcher application.
Chat with your buddies!
  • Also, Buddy Catcher allows you to search for locations where you wish to travel to and then navigate accordingly. WhatsApp on the other hand doesn’t encompass such a feature set.
  • Buddy Catcher supplements your experience by providing you with an offline messaging functionality which the WhatsApp doesn’t.

Thus, by all means, the widely popular app Buddy Catcher is in all means better than WhatsApp when it comes to travelling with your friends while at the same time, chatting with them.

An updated application of Buddy Catcher developed once again by ThinkTech Solutions PVT. Ltd. was released entitled Buddy Catcher Pro which is a paid version and comes with additional features and functionalities. Some additional features include :

Buddy Catcher pro
  • Allowing the user to share media files as well as documents over the application itself.
  • Locate, Mark and Navigate : The application would automatically locate the user’s current location and as the user marks the destination, the app would draw the route to that destination on its own and start the navigation.
Share destination and navigate via. Buddy Catcher!

Thus, as one can see, the Buddy Catcher and its upgrade, the Buddy Catcher pro have a tremendous scope owing to the functionalities they facilitate the user it.

It can also be clearly concluded that in specific contexts such as while travelling, this application provides user satisfaction beyond what other social media applications such as WhatsApp do.

Buddy Catcher is an application you must try at the least because its attractive user interface and wide feature set are just the things you look for in a decent application!

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