
An Overview to Medical Emergency Apps

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The healthcare industries of the world are continuously working to find better ways for ending and eradicating diseases from the world. The state of healthcare in a country is one of the major indicators of prosperity and growth in a nation. However, with the world population at an accelerating rate, maintaining the standards of healthcare is challenging. The World Health Organization officially presented reports which indicate that the most powerful nations of the world had poor healthcare systems and that the world as a whole needed to pay attention to the subject of health. It is a widely regarded fact that there are fewer medical experts to tend to a larger number of patients. As a result, many of the patients die because of lack medical attention. Technology has provided a solution to this phenomena by developing medical apps.

What are medical emergency apps?

The main purpose of these apps is to connect the patients, in need, to medical specialists in serious or critical situations. The featured app is easier and convenient to operate by the users. The most significant quality of the apps is that they are available and function all around the clock. Whenever a patient is in need of medical advice, the apps connect them with the available medical consultants. The doctors can assess and advice various ailments through a simple video call.

It is important to know that the Emergency Apps try to reach out and seek medical advice from qualified doctors who are experienced in diagnosing the problem quickly. These medical practitioners are experienced and possess expertise in treating in observing patients and contemplating upon the symptoms. Therefore, experienced and professional medical experts are directly linked to the patients to save time and treat the issue right away. These medical professionals are trained in identifying the symptoms by just looking at the patient and conversing with them.

What can the app do?

The apps simply use the camera of the mobile phone to turn it into a video call. The doctor can then visually see and communicate with the patient directly. Some of the functions that can be provided over the apps are:

  • providing online emergency assistance and consultation to patients who are in need of immediate treatment,
  • providing prescriptions and suggesting medicines,
  • reading the X-ray reports and other visual aids,
  • refer pathological assistance,
  • deduce the serious and non-serious symptoms,
  • suggesting whether the issues required emergency treatment or not.

Regular diagnosis

The apps by far have been found proficient in diagnosing common conditions such as:

  • sports injures,
  • headaches,
  • fevers/ concussions,
  • abdominal pain,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhoea,
  • vomiting,
  • fever,
  • throat infection/sore throat,
  • cough,
  • flu,
  • rashes and bites,
  • urinary tract infection,
  • allergies (etc).

The main aim of these apps is to help a patient receive medical attention as soon as possible. The patients can also book and make appointments with doctors and medical experts by using this app. Some of the most common medical apps that are helping patients and are changing medical statistics are:

  1. My Dr. Emergency App
  2. Book a Doctor App

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