
What Sleep Tracking Apps Can and Can’t Tell You

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If you are looking for stats on your sleep, then you can turn to sleep tracking apps and activity trackers. Besides telling you the total number of hours you have spent sleeping, they will also let you know about the quality of the sleep. Can you take those numbers seriously? Not really. Sometimes those numbers can be totally wrong.

Do sleep trackers analyze your sleep?

This is an important question. Sleep trackers claim that they are able to analyze your sleep accurately. How much truth is there in this claim? Expert doctors have tried these sleep trackers to gauge the effectiveness. Whether it is phone based trackers or other devices like Jawbone or Fitbit, the results were disappointing. You need to strap those wearable devices to your arm. These gadgets were accurate in telling when you went to sleep and when you woke up. Beyond that, these devices didn’t offer much. For instance, these devices failed to gauge the different stages of sleep.

Speaking of the wearable devices, they track sleep by movement. It’s the same for apps like Sleep as Android and Sleep Cycle. These apps detect the movement of your bed. Some of those apps rely on sounds. As you can see, all these methods have their drawbacks.

We can never gauge sleep on the basis of movement alone. But when it comes to sleep labs, there are plenty of factors they consider including brain activity, eye movement, breathing and the body movement.

So, you don’t need to give too much importance to the numbers given by apps like Sleep as Android or FitBit. The data provided by these apps do not paint the whole picture. Since these apps fail to tell you the different stages of your sleep against time, you can pretty much ignore the data provided.

We all move during sleep. We even wake up a few times during sleep. Most likely we forget these incidents next morning. Therefore, you should not be concerned if you see those details on the output provided by the sleep tracker. If you feel well-rested after a good night’s sleep, then you shouldn’t worry too much about these reports.

Sleep trackers detect sleep patterns

However, that doesn’t mean that sleep trackers are useless. In fact, they excel in some areas. Sleep trackers are excellent when it comes to giving big-picture data. It is not practical to sleep in a sleep lab for 30 days to detect sleep patterns. But you can easily do that at home with the help of one of those trackers. And you will be able to take a look at the sleep patterns. Your sleep pattern can be indicative of many things. If you are looking for tips and tricks to fall asleep easily, then we are here to offer you all the help you need.

If you worry that you are not getting enough sleep, then the sleep tracker can confirm this for you. Sometimes we get more sleep than we realize. And if you have confusion regarding this, then you can try one of these trackers.

Sleep trackers can be highly useful to bring corrective measures to your sleeping patterns. Going to sleep very late is a common syndrome these days. If you doubt that you have this syndrome, you can get it confirmed with the help of these trackers. When you have an overall picture of your sleep patterns, you might be able to fix the issues related to your sleep. If you are a late sleeper, then it can make way for all sorts of problems. One needs to bring positive lifestyle changes to get it fixed.

How to fall asleep faster?

Well, we all like a good night’s sleep. But it is hard to come by for many out there. If you think that you have considerable issues in your sleep pattern then there are plenty of things you can do it to fix it. Regular exercise is good for sleep. And it is important to stay away from distracting elements like Television, smartphones, computers, video games etc. if you wish to get a good night’s sleep. You need to also replace your old bed with a new comfortable one if the bed has been inducing sleeplessness. Having a healthy diet is another suggestion we have for you. Your body has the ability to fix the issues with your sleep, as long as you let your body to do so. For instance, going to bed at a fixed time every day can be really helpful. Routine is the magical word when it comes to sleep. When you follow the biological clock of your body, your body will have no trouble fixing the issues related to your sleep.

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