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5 Factors that will drive the future of email marketing

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Despite the rise in multiple ways and tools of marketing email marketing maintains its relevance. No matter how much argument about it being overshadowed by social media, influencers, etc. email marketing services by Abstract Digital is still the core of marketing strategy for many businesses.

With third-party cookies fading away, marketers will find it more challenging to track customers’ data and behavior, which is likely to strengthen the position of email marketing. Many factors over time have played a crucial role in deriving a successful email marketing strategy. Here is a list of factors that are going to determine its success and help you stay competitive with email marketing soon

Interactivity integration

Sending emails with only static content is going to take you nowhere. To make people read and act upon your emails, you will have to make them as engaging as possible. Allowing users to interact with the mail content makes emails engaging and also helps you drive them to take action.

Thankfully, you can embed several elements within the email that people can interact with, without leaving their inboxes. Carousals, videos, slides, and games are some good examples of elements that you can integrate with emails. They give you a competitive edge and entice prospects to engage with further emails and your offerings.

No more reliance on open rate

Email marketing heavily relies on the open rate of emails. Marketers collect data like when, where, and on what device is an email opened. However, with companies providing greater privacy to the customers, many devices and operating systems have become more stringent about sharing such information.

For instance, apple now preloads the emails in your inbox. Meaning, the emails appear to be opened even if they are not. Marketers can no longer use this metric to determine the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns. They have to innovate new metrics like list growth and conversion rate.

Help from AI

The success of an email marketing campaign immensely depends on the level of personalization you can deliver to your audience. AI has been a great tool in unearthing insights into the preferences and behavior of your audience.

AI scans thousands of data points and provides you with deep insight into the changing behavior of your prospects. It helps you optimize your email marketing campaigns to make your emails more engaging and enticing for the readers.

A higher degree of personalization

As mentioned earlier, personalization is the key to a successful email marketing campaign. Your prospects receive numerous emails from various aspirant companies. Limited by the time they get extremely picky about the emails they open, read, and react to.

Personalizing emails by their name and tailoring content to their interest make your emails stand out. They are more likely to engage with such emails that are targeted specifically towards them and make them feel valued.

Optimization for mobile users

Most Internet users access it through their mobile devices and the same is true for emails. People open their inboxes on their smartphones, tabs, other mobile devices and decide the worth of the content then and there.

Making your emails responsive so that these can morph to suit the users’ devices is crucial for achieving your email marketing goals. You also have to be mindful and present clear content with just the right amount of copy in it.

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